Don't Make a Wish
Comedy Live-Action Series
Sci-Fi/Drama Feature Film
Format: 8x23' Series (Live-Action)
Target: Tweens and Teens
Status: Development
Genre: Comedy

Sci-Fi/Drama Feature Film
Launch Year: TBA
Looking for: Broadcasters, Financing and Strategic Partnerships
Rights Available: All available, Worldwide (all languages)

Sci-Fi/Drama Feature Film
Co-production: Bactéria Filmes and Druzina Content
Created and written by: Amy Brandão
Country: Brazil

Ayla, Rodrigo, Bruno, Bianca and Yuri team up to survive the consequences of wishes they unwittingly made to a falling star. Between not being able to lie anymore, having every student at school forget about you, and making people around them act weird, the group must keep their strange "conditions" a secret as they try to pass the year and succeed in their love life. As well as trying to figure out how to reverse these absurd requests, of course. To top it off, they can be kicked out of school at any time if the vice principal finds out that they are the infamous "de-oppressors". By the way, who came up with that horrible name?